Saturday, November 19, 2011

Happy 4th Birthday Leo :)


It's hard to believe I met you when you were only two years old.  Of course you weren't the typical two year old.  You were talking in full sentences, keeping up with your older brothers, and sharp as a tack :) 

You have grown so much in just one year.  You started preschool this year.  All of the kids in your class love you.  When I bring you in the door everyone yells "Leo is here!!!!"  It always makes you smile.  You have your own backpack and lunch box like your brothers and sister.  You can write your name now and you are learning your letters.

We ditched your tricycle for a real bike this year.  You are still riding with training wheels but you are able to ride to the park with us and keep up instead of riding in the bike trailer.

Your best friend is your brother Hudson.  You guys are two peas in a pod.  Hudson is slightly frustrated that you are in the same size clothes as him and that you are wearing a size bigger than him in shoes :)  He reminds you often that he is still taller than you (but that won't last long).   The two of you love to play legos, jump on the trampoline, play games, and wrestle.  Hudson is usually in tears when the two of you have to leave each other.  It makes my heart happy to see the two of you together.

Lets see . . . . your favorite food is pizza.  You also love chocolate ice-cream, milkshakes, and pasta :)  You love to build things with blocks and you are amazing at putting puzzles together.

I think you have to be the smartest four year old on the planet.  You say that funniest, most intelligent things for your age.  Daddy and I always get a laugh out of the big words and ideas that come out of your mouth.

For your birthday we went to the Abe Martin Lodge in Brown County.  You rode a pony, hiked the trails, and swam at the water park.  We had a family party at our house as well.  MeMe got you a 10ft puzzle, Great Grandpa Jack gave you money, Auntie Anna and Uncle Jerry gave you money and candy, Papaw and Pamaw got you Lincoln Logs and books, and Mommy and Daddy got you a leap frog computer and moon dough :)  You also got several gifts in the mail.  MeMe and Dah sent you money and so did Grandpa/Grandma Ziegler.  You had a great birthday.  Oh yeah, Hudson wrapped up a book of his (your favorite) and gave it to you for your birthday :)

I love you so much and I am so happy to have you as my son.  I look forward to watching you grow and seeing God's plan for your life unfold.  You love bible stories, singing, and talking about God.  I am so proud of you.

Happy Birthday Leo!!!  Love, Mom