Friday, November 19, 2010

Dear Leo, Happy Birthday!!!

It has been a tradition of mine to write my kids a letter each year on their birthday.  This year is going to be tons of fun b/c I now have six letters to write :)  So here is my first letter to little Leo Wheeler :)

Dear Leo,  Today you are turning three.  You came into my life only 9 months ago and my life will never be the same.  You have the most beautiful green eyes, a head a full of thick brown hair, and little dimples that can melt my heart with one sweet smile.  You speak in full sentences, can count to 10, and you have no trouble keeping up with the big kids.  Your dad and I laugh b/c your favorite phrase is "I'm hungry" or "I am still hungry".  This is typically said by you after every meal - ha ha!!  One of our favorite phrases was said by you while we were in Kentucky visiting MeMe and Dah.  You looked at your daddy and said "Can I have you?"  You wanted your daddy to pick you up and hold you.  Daddy stole your line the day he asked me to marry him.  In front of the entire church your daddy got on one knee and looked me in the eyes and said "Can I have you forever?" 
You weigh the same amount as your brother Hudson and wear one shoe size bigger than him (he is not happy about that - lol).  It melts my heart each night when you ask me for hugs and kisses.  You will not go to sleep unless you have hugged me and you have planted a big wet kiss on me :)  If you are hurt you have to have kisses to make it better.  Last week daddy had to kiss your toe and when you hurt your bottom you insisted that I kiss it :)
 You love to pray and each night at dinner you are the first to volunteer to say prayer and same goes for bedtime.  Your prayers typically involve thanking God for food, cups, plates, forks, also thank God for me and daddy and all of your brothers and your sister Hannah.  You already love Jesus and for that we are so thankful.  One of the first things I remember about you is your love of singing worship songs.  The first time we were in the car together you sang the songs on the radio loud and proud :)  You were only two but you could sing with the rest of the kids no problem, in fact I remember you telling the other kids to be quiet b/c you wanted to be the only one to sing - I just laughed. 
You have just started potty training and I think you will be pull-up free very soon.  A few months ago the other kids were talking about you being in diapers and you told them you were potty trained.  When they asked you why you were still in diapers if you were potty trained you replied "I have underwear but I like diapers better".  You always have something witty to say.  Once you found a flashlight that wasn't working and brought it to your dad.  Daddy said it was broken and you said "It's not broken it just needs batteries".  We can't pull anything past you. 
You are such a sweet little boy.  I will always thank God for bringing you into my life.  I know God has great plans for your life.  You have started calling me mommy while you are with us and it just makes my day.  I love you to the moon and back my little Leo :)  Happy birthday!!!

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