What I have learned about you in the year I have known you is this . . . . You have a big heart, you have lots of questions about life, you are super sweet, you have a natural skill in art, and you love to read.
You and I have had many long talks since those first prayers I prayed. We talk about life, God, family, love, and just about everything in-between. You won't go to sleep without getting a big hug and kiss from me. In fact you usually need two or three (it makes my heart so happy). We have developed quite a bond :)
You gained a sister and brother this year. I think you are enjoying it although you and Hannah are so much alike that at times I think you are unsure about this sister thing. We laugh at how similar the two of you are. Hannah always tries to give you a big hug and kiss before bed and you usually try to run :) If she forgets to give you a hug and kiss then you are upset. It's a game between the two of you.
School comes easy for you. You are in the accelerated programs at school. Reading is your favorite thing to do. We find you reading just about everywhere (even in the bathroom - haha). I am amazed at your reading level and the amount of homework you are able to complete in one night. I think you are going to outsmart me before too long!! Everyone was amazed at your art skills at your school program this year. We are very proud of all your talents.
You played football this year and really enjoyed it. I have noticed that you are not super in to sports and would probably be ok without them. You love legos, computer games, and chess. We signed you up for soccer with your brothers for Spring. I think you are happy to be on a team with Logan. It should be a fun season.
Your personality is a bit high energy like Hannah. You are sensitive, caring, aware of the world around you, and sweet. You gave your birthday money and slinky to Grandpa Jack on his birthday (so sweet). You are concerned for the homeless and less fortunate. You would be the first to give up your toys or make pb&j's for the homeless. Like Hannah, you get upset when others are in trouble. You love family and you thank God for giving you a family almost every day. You can also be slightly dramatic when you have a scrape, a bump, or any other condition that you are sure that you have :) We do a lot of reassuring you that you are perfectly fine and that we are almost certain you will live - lol. We get a kick out of it and we love you for it.
We have had many spiritual conversations and I believe you really understand what it means to follow Jesus with your heart and life. I am so proud of the boy that you are. You have taught me about faith and believing in things that seem impossible. I love you so much and I thank God every day for bringing you into my life. I am so excited to have a lifetime to get to know you more. You are a very special boy and I love you with all my heart.
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